- Foundation Strategy
Embracing an Ecosystem Approach for Philanthropy
Funders are shifting from being at the center of social change efforts to working in close partnership with the…
- Corporate/CSR
Flying through Interference
We believe that corporate changemakers need tools to properly diagnose interference and build enabling conditions for social impact strategies…
Make the Pivot to Being a Purpose-Led Company: Introducing the Purpose Playbook
April 29, 2020COVID-19 is one for the history books.
The Impact of COVID-19 on CSR Funding for Indian NGOs
April 28, 2020Acknowledgment: We would like to thank Arthan, Atma, Bridgespan, Caring Friends, Centre for Social Impact and Philanthropy at Ashoka University, Dalberg, Dasr…
Learning in a Time of Crisis
April 7, 2020Many philanthropic organizations are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing rapid-response funding mechanisms, resources, and revised grant policie…
What Can We Learn from Early Corporate Responses to COVID-19?
April 2, 2020In my current role at FSG, I provide thought partnership to business leaders on the most effective ways to create social impact. I rely on our two decades of …
Quakes and Tremors: What Foundations Can Do to Safeguard Childhood Wellbeing in the Wake of a Pandemic
March 31, 2020The world is experiencing a series of quakes and tremors caused by a global pandemic. The quakes are the unprecedented shocks and strains we are witnessing in…
Pandemics and Perpetuity
March 26, 2020As I write, Congress seems likely to approve a two-trillion dollar economic stimulus bill in response to COVID-19. Entire states are being ordered to shelter i…