
- Foundation Strategy
Embracing an Ecosystem Approach for Philanthropy
Funders are shifting from being at the center of social change efforts to working in close partnership with the…

- Corporate/CSR
Flying through Interference
We believe that corporate changemakers need tools to properly diagnose interference and build enabling conditions for social impact strategies…
Is Collective Impact the Right Approach?
September 30, 2015No one can deny that collective impact as a core concept has caught the nonprofit field by storm. Everywhere you look, communities are coming together to set a…
Applying An Equity Mirror to Collective Impact
September 3, 2015There has been increasing buzz about “equity” and “racial equity” in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors and among cross-sector collective impact efforts. …
Collective Impact Lessons for Philanthropy
August 10, 2015Funders are critical actors in collective impact efforts, and their contributions stretch well beyond financial resources. Other valuable assets that philanthr…
New Resource: Systems Change Guide from NPC
August 3, 2015System Leadership is a topic that FSG has been thinking about and writing about in the past few years – but we are by no means the only ones. We have a lot to …
Transforming a Juvenile Justice System through Community Engagement
July 27, 2015This post was originally published on the Youth Transition Funders Group blog.
Alan Khazei on Moving Beyond Scaling
July 22, 2015When I co-founded City Year with my college roommate Michael Brown in 1988, social entrepreneurship was emerging as a dynamic approach for social change. This …
Critical Elements for Collective Impact Success
July 6, 2015The definition of collective impact is “the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social p…
A Cross-Sector Approach to Tackling Diabetes
June 18, 2015Pharmaceutical companies have incredible potential to create social value. One of the companies we point to as a leader in this space, through our previous blo…
Video: Equity Matters in Collective Impact
June 16, 2015At the 2015 Collective Impact Convening in New Orleans, Angela Glover Blackwell of PolicyLink presented the keynote address, Equity Matters in Collective Impa…
Three Misconceptions around Collective Impact
June 9, 2015Collective impact is a concept that has resonated with many in the field over the years since we first wrote about it in 2011. The 5 conditions—common agenda, …