- Corporate/CSR, Equity
What companies can do to advance racial equity and combat systemic racism in the workplace, communities, and society
- Foundation Strategy, Nonprofits/NGOs, Systems Thinking
Foundations involved in systems change can increase their odds for success by focusing on the least explicit but most…
The Philanthropist Collective Impact Issue
July 18, 2014In this landmark issue, The Philanthropist/Le Philanthrope journal explores collective impact from a Canadian perspective in depth and detail. The issue featur…
Redefining Expectations for Place-Based Philanthropy
The California Endowment (TCE) conducted a midcourse review of its Building Healthy Communities (BHC) strategy, which involves building local capacity in 14 co…
Banking on Shared Value
How Banks Profit by Rethinking Their Business
Strategic Philanthropy for a Complex World
June 1, 2014The world is complex and current methods of philanthropy effect lasting change in so few corners. How do we truly begin to make a difference? Including respons…
Guide to Evaluating Collective Impact Supplement
May 5, 2014Sample Questions, Outcomes, and Indicators
Guide to Evaluating Collective Impact
A practical handbook that presents a framework for approaching evaluation and includes sample questions, outcomes, and indicators.
Supplemental Material: Connecting Strategy, Evaluation, and Learning in Your Organization Webinar
April 9, 2014These tools were provided by panelists of the "Connecting Strategy, Evaluation, and Learning in Your Organization" webinar, a supplement to FSG's report Buildi…