FSG partners with corporations, foundations, nonprofits, and collaboratives to accelerate gender equity through research, evaluation, strategy, and collaboration.

Gender is a complex set of socially constructed norms, roles, and relationships among people, and gender inequalities disproportionately affect women and non-binary people. While organizations globally are seeking to undo these harms, progress is slow in making structural changes and elevating the voices of those facing gender discrimination to achieve equity for all.
FSG provides organizations with a data-driven and human-centered approach to understanding the underlying drivers of inequity and creates concrete recommendations for ways to shift the policies, practices, and mindsets that hold gender inequities in place in a way that advances social outcomes and drives business value.
We aim to catalyze transformational change through and within our clients so they can pursue gender equity for all. We do this by:
We help employers work with foundations and other system-wide actors to dismantle the barriers to economic stability and mobility that women face. Our support includes: developing the business case for companies to invest in gender equity, building internal awareness and champions at company leadership levels for gender equity, and supporting the development of cross-sector initiatives and partnerships that effectively retain and advance women in their careers and ensure they have the right support systems to do so.
Design and validate new business models that meet the needs of gender diverse consumer segments, including women, lower-income, and non-binary consumers, and address barriers to scaling new business models.
Diagnose the underlying conditions that perpetuate gender inequities (including those related to men and masculinity), and identify system-level actions through with different actors can work to change those conditions.
Facilitate collaborative initiatives to align the efforts of nonprofit, business, and government stakeholders to advance gender equity.
Create equitable systems change and address inequities of all kinds through culturally responsive processes and authentic stakeholder engagement.
How We Work
- Customized consulting: Providing strategy, business planning, and implementation support for gender equity-focused efforts and organizations that seek to embed gender equity across their work.
- Cutting-edge research: Developing and disseminating fresh insights, knowledge briefs, and practical tools to improve the effectiveness of organizations investing in gender equity.
- Strategic partnership development: Working with emerging and existing partnerships to align strategy and develop and support initiatives. Connecting systems stakeholders within and across sectors at the global, national, and local levels to advance gender equity.
- Impact focused measurement and evaluation: Designing evaluation systems to capture social and/or business impact, and conducting evaluations to improve decision making, organizational learning, and performance.
- Empower advocates for change: Supporting executive leaders to engage relevant internal and external stakeholders and build coalitions that address gender equity.
Case Studies
- YLabs
Engaging Young Men in Family Planning Decisions
FSG partners with YLabs and VOTO Mobile on a research effort that brings young men into the family planning…
Strengthening the Family Planning Market in India
FSG worked with PSI to identify the key market failures preventing women and girls in India from adopting family…
- UN Women
Promoting Gender Equity in India
FSG conducted a mixed-methods evaluation to understand the contribution that UN Women’s gender-responsive budgeting activities made in promoting gender…
- Global Fund for Women
Advancing Women’s Rights
The Global Fund for Women asked FSG to help develop and shape Global Fund’s new identity, resulting in a…
Meet the Team
Work with Us
How can we partner with your organization to reimagine social change?
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