Upcoming Events
Crisis After Crisis: Reimagining Corporate Disaster Response
We are living in an era of recurring and unprecedented crises—from devastating wildfires, pandemics, geopolitical conflicts, and more. Many companies recognize…
Past Events
Gender Smart Summit 2020
OnlineFlynn Lebus gave the closing remarks at the Gender Lens Investing Summit.
Business Fights Poverty: Rebuild Better 2020
-OnlineFlynn Lebus participates in an expert panel at the Business Fights Poverty’s Rebuild Better online conference: Building an Equitable and Resilient Future, wher…
Webinar: Opportunities to Improve Menstrual Health and Hygiene
JapanLaura Amaya presents key changes in the global menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) space since 2016, highlighting remaining gaps and opportunities for further a…
The Social and Development Ecosystems – Switching Gears
IndiaSave the date. Rishi Agarwal participates in this Executive Access India webinar. While the last decade has been evolutionary for the social impact and develop…
Leading with Purpose Webinar
VirtualDane Smith presents the Purpose Playbook on the Leading with Purpose webinar, hosted by the Baumhart Center of Loyola University of Chicago.Dane will discuss h…
Purpose Frameworks for Businesses to Create Shared Value Post-COVID-19
VirtualBobbi Silten joins SAP for a discussion on how the Purpose Playbook can help companies deliver their purpose potential and transform the way business is done.T…
Newsan Webinar on Post-Pandemic Sustainability
VirtualDane Smith is the keynote presenter on the Newsan webinar "The New Paradigm of Post-Pandemic Sustainability" where he will lead a discussion on business strate…
CGLR Webinar: Helping Families to Succeed in Challenging Times: Philanthropy’s Response to COVID-19
London, UKLauren Smith shares advice to funders on how philanthropy can respond to the COVID-19 crisis in this webinar sponsored by The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading.
Equitable Evaluation, Culture, and Systems Change
VirtualHosted by the Cultural Research Network, this virtual study group will investigate how equitable evaluation and systems evaluation, together, might provide a n…
Coloque o Propósito em Prática com Valor Compartilhado
VirtualParsifal21 convida você a juntar-sea nós no lançamento em português do Purpose Playbook, criado por FSG e a Iniciativa de Valor Compartilhado. Venha: