Upcoming Events
Yale Philanthropy Conference 2025
New Haven, CTFSG Managing Director Nikhil Bumb is speaking on a panel at the Yale Philanthropy Conference 2025.
Purpose as a strategy: Business Imperative and leadership opportunity
Baltimore, MDFSG Managing Director Lolita Castrique-Meier will be the closing keynote speaker at Johns Hopkins Carey Net Impact's annual conference, “Sustainability in Focu…
Past Events
European Communication Summit 2013
Brussels, BelgiumFSG Managing Director Marc Pfitzer presents shared value on the panel "Translating Ethical Values into Economic Values" at the 2013 European Communication Summ…
Cradle to Career Initiative Action Planning Seminar 2013
Aspen, COFSG Senior Consultant Katherine Errecart presents collective impact at the Cradle to Career Initiative, a collective impact initiative that brings nonprofits, …
CGI America 2013
Chicago, ILFSG Managing Director Fay Hanleybrown facilitates the Reconnecting Youth working group at the third annual CGI America conference, hosted by the Clinton Global…
League of California Community Foundations Board Retreat 2013
Washington, DCFSG Directors Eva Nico and Rebecca Graves present their Donor Advised Funds Study under title "Do We (CFs) Really Belong in this Business?" at the annual CEO/B…
Business4Better Annual Conference 2013
Anaheim, CAFSG Managing Director Lalitha Vaidyanathan and Chad Bolick, Associate Director of Partnerships for the Shared Value Initiative, lead a panel on shared value at…
Global Social Venture Competition 2013
UC BerkeleyFSG Senior Consultant Ellen Martin presents and moderates a panel on assessing social impact of social ventures for the UC Berkeley Global Social Venture Compe…
United Nations Association of San Francisco
San Francisco, CAFSG Associate Matt Duffy presents collective impact at the monthly meeting of the UNA SF Bay Area Council of Organizations, whose Core Collaborators group has …
Ready by 21 National Meeting 2013
Atlanta, GAFSG Senior Consultant Emily Gorin Malenfant presented Collective Impact at two sessions: "Build Your Backbone Organization" and "Funding Your Collective Impact…
Compassion Connect PDX Workshop 2012
Oregon Forestry CenterFSG Senior Consultant Ellen Martin presents collective impact in a workshop that will bring together organizations and interested parties to help them learn mo…
Texas Senate Education Committee
Texas State Capitol, Austin, TXFSG Consultant Matt Wilka gives testimony to the Texas Senate Education Committee on blended learning as part of the Committee's exploration of expanding virtu…