Upcoming Events
Yale Philanthropy Conference 2025
New Haven, CTFSG Managing Director Nikhil Bumb is speaking on a panel at the Yale Philanthropy Conference 2025.
Past Events
Gulf South Summit 2014
Auburn, ALFSG Consultant David Phillips gives a keynote presentation on "Addressing Complex Social Problems through Collective Impact" at the Gulf South Summit 2014, hos…
Clinton Global Initiative University 2014
Arizona State UniversityFSG Senior Consultant Katelyn Mack presents "Creating Buzz: Using Social Media to Market Your Cause" at the annual CGI U meeting. Beyond a quick press release …
Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education
San Francisco, CAFSG Director Jeff Cohen presents "Collective Impact: Moving from Isolated Interventions to Large-scale Social Change" at the first annual Carnegie Foundation S…
Pro Bono Institute Annual Conference 2014
Washington, DCFSG Managing Director Valerie Bockstette presents "Collaborative Pro Bono: Channeling Change and Better Outcomes" at the annual Pro Bono Institute Conference. …
Traverse City, Michigan Collective Impact Workshops
Traverse City, MIFSG Consultant David Phillips conducts a day of collective impact keynotes and workshops for participants in the Grand Vision, a citizen-led vision for the fut…
Yale Philanthropy Conference 2014
New York CityFSG Managing Director Valerie Bockstette participates in a session titled "Measuring Impact" at the 9th Annual Yale Philanthropy Conference. The panel, moderat…
California Tobacco Control Program 2014 Project Director’s Meeting
Sacramento, CAFSG Managing Director Lalitha Vaidyanathan gives the keynote opening address on Utilizing Collective Impact to Build Large-Scale Social Change at the Californi…
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Essentials for Childhood” Initiative: Collective Impact Workshop
-Birmingham, ALDavid Phillips and Lalitha Vaidyanathan delivered a day and half of collective impact training to Essentials for Childhood grantees. Topics included collective…
Creating Shared Value in Australia Forum
Melbourne, AustraliaFSG Managing Director Marc Pfitzer gives the keynote address on "Impacts of the Global CSV Revolution" at the 2nd annual Creating Shared Value Forum sponsored …
California State 4-H Leaders’ Forum 2013
-Sacramento, CAFSG Consultant Matt Wilka gives the keynote presentation on "Making Collective Impact Work." Matt will give an in-depth look at how organizations are implement…